These are images for book covers for three novels by the renowned author Margaret Atwood. Pen and ink, felt tip, watercolour pastels, watercolour paint, 12.7x19.8cm:
I created this typeface to illustrate the Beatles song 'I'm So Tired'. I was greatly inspired by the fact it was from their White album and written in India:
These are some of the original images from a hardback book that I bound, using the silkscreen process to transfer the images onto the pages which were presented in a concertina. It is about a baker that doesn't like his job, inspired by a baker I knew of at the time:
This piece is illustrating a section of 'The Waste Land' by T. S. Eliot using typography, I firstly did 3 watercolour illustrations and from there designed a typeface and took what I thought to be the main aspect of the narrative - a dingy canal. I used words to describe the canal placing them into the shape of a canal, printed it onto acetate and photographed it:
I am a freelance Illustrator and am part of the Paper Jukebox Illustration Collective:
I enjoy using a diverse range of mediums to produce my artwork, from more traditional approaches to digital imagery. This blog has examples of my work since 2007; having studied on an Art and Design Foundation Diploma, at Camberwell College of Arts, and a BA Hons Illustration Degree, at The Arts University College at Bournemouth.
All artwork copyright Annette Johns, unless otherwise stated. Artwork must not be used, reproduced or copied without her consent.