These are my final outcomes for the House of Illustration and Folio Society competition 'Getting Inside The Outsider', you are asked to produce 3 full page illustrations for inside the book 'The Outsider' by Albert Camus and a rough for the cover. Which, for final submission, I will need to narrow these 7 images down to:
‘The sky seemed to be splitting from end to end and raining down sheets of flame.’ (cover)
‘He went in and out, arranging chairs. On one of them he stacked some cups round a coffee-pot.’
‘“It’s dirty. Full of pigeons and dark courtyards. The people have all got white skin.”’
‘...lines of cypresses leading away to the hills against the sky...against the red and green earth...’
‘...made to live in a hollow tree trunk...’
‘Three judges, two in black, the third in red...’
‘ had been decided upon by men who change their underwear...’
competition website: